Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well, I guesws a blog like this would just seem like random ravings to any outsider, and I guess to some point it is true. I am not anyone who is in on anything, I don't work with Kingdom Hearts, I've only got three of the games. But I guess it just really hels to have somewhere to post your feelings, somewhere where you can put up really anything you want and practically no one will read it! lol Well I guess the same things that I said in my last posts are true, I still haven't played 358/2 Days, but as usual things have been extremely busy, and especially preparing fo rthe Japan trip, as well as watching all sorts of anime, like Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood of course, the first one was crap), Code Geass (so sad), Inyasha, and heaps of others. I just can't wait till the holidays when I can sit down and watch as much Naruto as I want. Speaking of which I did just create a new blog, all about Naruto, which I am planning on being serious about, as in, keeping it running, keeping it up to date, putting interesting things on it, cool photos, websites, etc. Anyways I'll add the link to that on the side of the page so check it out! Cause really I must say this blog has been very badly kept. XP =^_^=